
Personal Health & Social Education and Relationship, Health Education

Learning is Remembering and Recalling...


At St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School, we are passionate about children's learning. The Cognitive Load research theory and Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction highlights that children learn through remembering and recalling and this theory is embedded this within the knowledge of our PSHE curriculum.

Our PSHE education, provides a framework though which key skills, attributes and knowledge can be developed and applied. This promotes positive behaviour, good mental health and wellbeing, resilience and achievement, helping children to stay safe online, develop healthy and safe relationships, making sense of media messages, challenging extreme views and having the skills and attributes to negotiate and assert themselves now and in the future.

Please also see the Mental Health Support Tab at the top of the page.

'Winston' (our friendship Owl) has found himself some new helpers.  Newly appointed Year 5 children (Winston Helpers), are helping other children who appear to not have anyone to play with, or children who may be feeling sad, or children who may just want a friendly chat during playtimes.   

Our Winston Helpers are: Tegan, Harry, Eilidh, Alex and Riley.  They have their own day to monitor the bench and have already proved that they are worthy candidates for this role.  Thank you to the children for being excellent friendship ambassadors.